To Register for the Conference, Click here
To receive member price of $35, please login first to the
Members link on left side of page.

 21st Century Fund: Competitive grants of up to $1,000 are offered to Missouri historical and genealogical societies, libraries and archives for projects to compile, index, preserve and or publish local records. Since 2009 MoSGA has funded several projects throughout the state. Grants are presented at annual conference, August 3rd.                       
 AWARDS offered: MoSGA recognizes individuals, groups and organizations that have put forth that extra effort to support genealogical research, activities, and publications in the Show-Me State. We are asking local genealogical and historical societies and libraries in Missouri to assist us in identifying those who should be candidates for special recognition. Neither submitters nor nominees need be members of MoSGA.  Awards are presented at annual conference, August 3rd.
Mission Statement:  
Dedicated to enhancing the knowledge of its members and the public in the study of family history, genealogical records and the principles of sound genealogical research.
When you join MoSGA, you will receive four issues each year of our excellent Journal.  Each issue includes genealogical records, historical research,  suggestions for enhancing your personal research, book reviews and much more! Members can submit surnames for our Surname database.
Current members, when logged into Members Only section, can access:
  • All past issues of our Journal 
  • Genealogy Resource Guide, prepared by MoSGA past President Bill Eddleman
  • 4-generation pedigree charts, including an index of 26,000 names
To Join, Click here
PLEASE NOTE:  The monthly Show Me Newsletter was discontinued in the Fall of 2020. Time sensitive material is now posted on our website, our Facebook page and through emails to members.


NEW: We now offer certificates for War of 1812 service.
The Missouri State Genealogical Association takes pride in offering the Missouri First Families program to honor early Missouri families. Categories include: Territorial, War of 1812, Pioneer, and Civil War.
RESOURCE GUIDE  $3 plus postage  
This 4-page Resource Guide on heavy, coated paper, is a favorite of researchers as it provides an extensive list of resources for Missouri as well as state and national, all in one quick guide.  To purchase online, click the image at right.
Current members can access this Resource Guide, at no cost, by going to the Members Login link, at left. This makes it easy to click the "active links".
DIRECTORY OF HISTORICAL & GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES IN MISSOURI - This list is maintained by the State Historical Society of Missouri  https://shsmo.org/local-societies/directory
MoSGA has surname databases for researching your families. These are not limited to Missouri families.   
On August 5, 2023, during the Annual Meeting in Columbia, elections were confirmed for board members whose term covers the years 2023-2025. For the updated Board of Directors and Committee chairs list,  CLICK HERE
While MoSGA is providing these lists of members who wish to do research or conduct workshops, MoSGA does not endorse these researchers/speakers and assumes no responsibility for their work. Anyone hiring a researcher or speaker should check their qualifications and references and should have a clear idea of fees charged before any work begins.  A list of possible questions and things you should consider is available by clicking here.

We are on Facebook!  


Website Information

Nancy Waller Thomas, webmanager

MAILING ADDRESS:   MoSGA,  P.O. Box 833, Columbia, MO 65205-0833



Upcoming Events
Saturday, Aug. 3rd
MoSGA Annual Conference